Our Government
The Mohegan Tribe is a sovereign, federally-recognized Indian Nation, with its own constitution and government. Not only does the Tribe govern itself, but many Tribal administrative departments oversee the everyday function of the reservation and provide for Tribal members. While the best-known Tribal enterprise may be Mohegan Sun, the Mohegan Tribe also owns and operates a number of other enterprises that benefit both the Tribe and the community at large.
Understanding the Mohegan Way
When the English invaded Mohegan territory in the seventeenth century, Mohegan Sachem Uncas sought to maintain his nation’s sovereignty. As European diseases and immigrants threatened to overrun his people, he chose a path of cooperation, rather than conflict — thus began the Mohegan Way.
Since that time, the Mohegan Way has been passed down to each generation. Today, it means that we continue to live and work cooperatively both within the Tribe and with the non-Indian community.
Mohegan Tribal Government
As a sovereign nation, the Mohegan Tribe has its own governmental structure and the power to govern itself within guidelines set by the U.S. Constitution. The Mohegan Nation's Tribal Constitution provides that the Tribe shall be governed by a Tribal Council, consisting of nine tribal members, and a Council of Elders, consisting of seven tribal members. All legislative and executive powers of the Tribe not granted to the Council of Elders are vested with the Tribal Council. The Council of Elders oversees judicial matters and the Tribe's cultural integrity. The Council of Elders also exercises legislative powers with respect to tribal membership and enrollment. The Tribal Court adjudicates on all non-gaming matters.