The Mohegan Tribe's History
When does history begin? Like humanity everywhere, Native American people trace their past in more than years. Scientific evidence shows Native American presence in the area for 10,000 years. But oral history begins with creation, when the Great Spirit created the earth. The earliest clans of the Delaware Tribe included the Wolf clan, or Mohegans, who settled in upstate New York. After migrating to Connecticut this group became today's Mohegan Tribe.
The Mohegan story can be told through the history of its remarkable people.
Our Vision
We are the Wolf People, children of Mundo, a part of the Tree of Life. our ancestors form our roots, our living Tribe is the trunk, our grandchildren are the buds of our future.
We remember and teach the stories of our ancestors.
watch. We listen. We learn.
We respect Mother Earth, our Elders, and all that comes with Mundo.
We are willing to break arrows of peace to heal old and new wounds. We acknowledge and learn from our mistakes.
We walk
as a single spirit on the Trail of Life. We are guided by thirteen generations past and responsible to thirteen generations to come.
We survive as a nation guided by the wisdom of our past. Our circular trails returns us to wholeness as
a people.
Ni Ya Yo.
The vision statement was developed by the Mohegan Strategic Planning Committee and adopted by the Council of Elders in 1997.
Our Tribal Symbol
Four Semicircular Domes: The blue domes point to each of the sacred four directions. They represent the back of Grandfather Turtle (upon whom the Earth was formed), the dome of the sky and the shape of our wigwam dwellings.
Four Sacred Trees: Stemming from the semicardinal directions, these trees represent the sacred tree of life, which grows from the roots of our ancestors and branches out toward future generations.
13 Dots Around Center Circle: These white dots represent the 13 moons of the year, the 13 sections on the turtle’s back and the 13 generations since Uncas.
The Sacred Center Circle: This red circle symbolizes the spiritual life force felt throughout the universe.