Tribal Leadership Help Welcome New Connecticut Sun Head Coach

Jan 16, 2025

On Thu., Jan. 16, the Connecticut Sun held a press conference to welcome the team’s new head coach, Rachid Meziane. Meziane brings a wealth of basketball knowledge to Connecticut. The press conference featured addresses from Head Coach Meziane, Connecticut Sun General Manager Morgan Tuck, Tribal Council Corresponding Secretary Joe Soper, and Council of Elders Chairwoman Beth Regan.

Soper currently serves on the Board of Governors of the WNBA and spoke as a representative of both the Board of Governors as well as a member of the Tribal Council. He remarked that this is a pivotal moment for the team and the WNBA as the league is coming off its most-watched regular season in 24 years. “We are thrilled to welcome Coach Rachid Meziane to lead us into what we believe will be our most exciting season yet,” said Soper. He also mentioned the connection between the Connecticut Sun’s commitments and how they embody those of the Tribe.  “The Connecticut Sun has long been champions of educational initiatives, youth development, and equality. Values that mirror the Mohegan Tribe’s key commitment to fostering opportunities for all.”

The conference was notably multi-lingual as Meziane, a native of Clermont-Ferrand, France, offered his remarks and responses to questions in both French and English, and Chairwoman Regan offered a welcome to Meziane in French, the Mohegan language, and English. She also mentioned that, in much the same way that the rising sun in the east marks the beginning of a new day, Meziane joining the team is the beginning of a new day for the organization. He is yet another person who helps to form our trail of life from east to west.

Additionally, Chairwoman Regan gifted Meziane with Chief Many Hearts’ mark, wampum, and a copy of The Lasting of the Mohegans signed by author, former Medicine Woman, and Council of Elders Vice Chair Melissa Tantaquidgeon Zobel. Chairwoman Regan closed her remarks by saying, "As we move into this new beginning, we honor our past, we celebrate today, and we look forward to the future. Rachid, thank you, and welcome to Mohegan.”

Meziane began his remarks by thanking the Mohegan Tribe, the Tribal Council, the Council of Elders, and Chief Malerba in addition to the Connecticut Sun staff for the opportunity to coach the team and join the WNBA. “The WNBA has the best players and the best teams in the world. This is one opportunity that I couldn’t pass up, and, as an international, foreign coach like me, this is more than a dream to be part of this league.” He also mentioned that his coaching is based on three key pillars: hard work, “I don’t believe in only relying on talent;" discipline, “understanding what we are doing and how we carry ourselves;" and communication “how we talk to each other and how we learn from others.”