VW Settlement Trust Information
The Mohegan Tribe of Indians of Connecticut (the "Tribe") has established this web page required by the terms of the VW Settlement Trust. Please click on the links below to review:
- Appendix D-3 Certification for Beneficiary Status and First Funding Cycle Appendix D-4 Beneficiary Eligible Mitigation Action Certification
- Second Funding Cycle Appendix D-4 Beneficiary Eligible Mitigation Action Certification
- First and Second Semi-Annual Reports
- Third Funding Cycle Appendix D-7 Beneficiary Election to Opt Out Form
General Information about the VM Settlement Trust can be found on the following websites:
- www.epa.gov/enforcement/volkswagen-clean-air-act-civil-settlement
- www.vwenvironmentalmitigationtrust.com
Additional questions may be emailed to the Tribe's Environmental Protection Administrator at [email protected]