Mohegan Tribal Fire Department Trains in Airway Procedures and Air Medical Transport

Jun 26, 2024
On Wed., Jun. 26, 2024, Paramedic Edward Dubois coordinated a joint training between HHC Lifestar, the Mohegan Tribal Fire Department, and American Professional Education Services' Paramedic to provide a class on suction-assisted laryngoscopy and airway decontamination training. Lifestar presented their safety and air medical transport usage. The Mohegan Tribal Fire Department landed the helicopter across from the Tribal Public Safety building. This allowed the on-duty shift to tour the aircraft as well as test communications and landing zone operations should the need for this asset ever arise. Training is a top priority, and getting various groups with different skill sets together to share their knowledge and experience is a win for everyone, especially the aspiring Paramedic students who will work in our region.