Mohegan Lodge Keeper Responsible for leading the sweat lodge ceremony
The sweat lodge ceremony is a purification ceremony traditionally performed in a domed lodge incorporating a sacred fire, heated rocks (traditionally known as the grandmothers and grandfather), water and the ideas of the 4 directions. It is a holistic ceremony that purifies mind, spirit and body to restore or maintain harmony and balance in one’s life. The lodge keeper is responsible for the well-being of all in the lodge.
Charlie Strickland "Two Bears"
Charlie Strickland "Two Bears" serves as a Lodge Keeper for the Mohegan Tribe. In this role, he is responsible for leading the sweat lodge ceremony. The sweat lodge ceremony is a purification ceremony traditionally performed in a domed lodge incorporating a sacred fire, heated rocks (traditionally known as the grandmothers and grandfather), water and the ideas of the 4 directions. It is a holistic ceremony that purifies mind, spirit and body to restore or maintain harmony and balance in one’s life. The lodge keeper is responsible for the well-being of all in the lodge.